How to write html in apple textedit
How to write html in apple textedit

As mentioned above, the dictionary lists all of the terms and the syntax that an application understands (granted the dictionaries are difficult to understand but you will get better at it the more you use them).

  • Use the applescript dictionary of your applications.
  • Of course use the Finder if needed but it's best to not use it if you don't need it. I purposely appended "as alias list" to the end of the Finder command to make the list of files usable outside of the Finder tell block of code.

    How to write html in apple textedit code#

    As an example you can see in my code that I removed the "choose folder" and the repeat loop from the Finder. As such it's best to only use it when necessary. The Finder is a major program on your computer and is often busy doing computer related stuff. Regarding the Finder, you should avoid using it too much.In this case that's a simple command and it will work but in general avoid doing this. So doing as you have done is another possible source of errors. So for example, you are telling the Finder to "choose folder". You should only tell an application to do commands that it knows and an application only knows about the commands in its dictionary. Avoid telling an application to perform a command that is not in its applescript dictionary.That's not good because commands can get confused and it's really hard to debug these kinds of issues. Doing this is a source of many conflicts because you are basically telling the Finder to tell TextEdit to do something. You have tell app TextEdit inside tell app Finder. Avoid putting tell blocks of code inside each other.

    how to write html in apple textedit how to write html in apple textedit

    You mention you are new to applescript, so I'll give you some general pointers you should keep in mind when writing applescript code. Set outputPath to (output_folder as text) & text 1 thru -((count of fileExt) + 1) of fileName & "html"ĭo shell script "/usr/bin/textutil -convert html -output " & quoted form of POSIX path of outputPath & space & quoted form of POSIX path of aFile Set theFiles to (files of entire contents of source_folder) as alias list Set output_folder to choose folder with prompt "Choose an output folder." set source_folder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a source folder." what is a RTD file? Do you mean rtf or rtfd? Textutil will work with rtf/rtfd but not rtd, so I hope that isn't really your file type. See "man textutil" if you want to look at everything it can do.Īnd a general question. The ouput path can be changed in the code by using the "-output" switch of textutil. The html files will have the same name but with the html extension and will be located in source_folder. We can fix your TextEdit script (it has a few errors) but try this first and let us know if it does the job for you.

    how to write html in apple textedit

    There is a command line program textutil which will do the job without all the opening and saving stuff required with TextEdit.

    How to write html in apple textedit